The Heart Of FFA Can Be Found In Every Member, Every Chapter, Every Day.
Which type of FFA Chapter do you operate?
Traditionally, membership fees for FFA has been collected from each member wishing to join the chapter and the advisor and officers created incentives for students to join (Standard Membership Option). A newer philosophy is where money is raised in some fashion (donations, fundraising, etc.) to pay membership for every student that takes an agriscience class (Affiliate Membership Option). Membership is entered in the same manner through National FFA's website.
Standard Membership
The Chapter Affiliate Membership Option enables every agriscience student enrolled in the school to be a member of the local chapter.
National ($7) + State ($3) + District ($2) = $12 total (plus any local dues that may be added)
If additional assistance is needed to help you with the membership process, please contact:
Phone - 1-888-332-2668 Option #3
User Login Issues-
Phone - 1-888-332-2668 Option #5
Charter a New FFA Chapter
Chapters for the National FFA Organization shall be chartered only in such schools where recognized systematic instruction in agriscience education is offered under the provisions of federal career technical education legislation. Such chapters shall operate as an integral part of the instructional program of agriscience education.
Private schools in Alabama wishing to have a FFA chapter and agreeing to follow the Private School Requirements for Starting and Maintaining a FFA Chapter Charter may submit the New Chapter Chartering Application for Private Schools.
Membership FAQ
Local FFA Chapter Advisors in Alabama complete their chapter's membership roster utilizing the National FFA's website. Local FFA advisors must establish a FFA account and log in as self-registering as a new advisor or requesting an account transfer to another chapter, if not previously completed. If you need assistance establishing your account or transferring your account to another chapter, you can also contact the Montgomery Office.
New teachers will need to contact the Montgomery office to set up an account.
Montgomery Office: 334-694-4746 or
Per our state constitution, each chapter will be charged a $100 chapter fee each year in lieu of convention registration and to assist with the FFA Contests and Awards Program.
Each standard membership chapter will be sent an invoice on October 12, 2019 for the 19-20 school year's chapter fee. Please secure a purchase order prior to October 12. This $100 check will be still made payable to and mailed to the Alabama FFA Association, as per the invoice.
Each affiliate membership chapter will pay their chapter fee as part of their affiliate membership payment, as it is included in the affiliate fee schedule amount. Affiliate membership and standard membership checks will be made payable to and mailed to National FFA, as per the invoice.
National FFA will be processing FFA membership for Alabama FFA Chapters. Once membership is submitted to the local and state level, National FFA will mail an invoice to the local FFA chapter for the amount due. It may take up to three weeks after you submit your membership online before you will receive your invoice in the mail. Membership checks will be made payable to and mailed to National FFA.
The address on the invoice (for PO preparation) will be:
National FFA Organization
P O Box 631363
Cincinnati, OH 45263-1363
Please make your local school bookkeeper aware of this change.
Every chapter can manage membership through theAET website. Click here to access that information directly.
Article III of the Alabama FFA State Constitution supports the following annual requirements for local FFA chapters to maintain good standing with the Alabama FFA Association.
Chapter Fee must be received in the Montgomery Office by October 30.
Invoices will once again be fiscally mailed to your chapter on October 1. An electronic invoice may be requested.
Initial FFA Membership Roster submitted to state level by October 12
Final memberships must be submitted online and at the state level by February 1.
Payment for members must be received in the National Office by March 1.
Annual Chapter Report must be submitted online by March 1.
*After April 1 a FFA chapter status notification will be sent to teachers and copied to the CTE director regarding the status of each FFA Chapter. After May 1 an official FFA chapter status notification letter as well as the status report will be mailed to local superintendents and directors.*