Mackenzie Smith

September 5, 2024
Matty Grace Coghlan
September 5, 2024
September 5, 2024
Matty Grace Coghlan
September 5, 2024

Supervised Agricultural Experience: 

I have three SAEs: beef production, sheep production, and ag communications. My beef and sheep production SAEs combine into diversified livestock where I raise and exhibit livestock. I have shown livestock since I was three and have shown all four species of livestock over the years, but I focus on sheep and cattle. I have a herd of fifteen SimAngus and Chianina cattle and a flock of eight Hamp-Suffolk Cross ewes. My family is part of the livestock business No Limit Livestock, where we raise and market sheep for the show industry, and I put my lambs in the yearly sale. My ag communications SAE is my photography business, SCC Photography, I focus on livestock photography but do all types of shoots. I got started by just taking pictures of my brother and a few family friends at livestock shows that I attended, but have grown my business and have been contracted for shows, sale photos, birthday parties, and senior and family portraits. I plan to continue my business after high school and make it a part of my career.


Career Development/Leadership/Talent Events:

I have been in FFA since eighth grade and have competed in Creed Speaking, Meats Evaluation, Livestock Evaluation, Vet Science, and Discussion Meet over the years.


Major FFA Accomplishments:

My major FFA accomplishments include serving as the 2022-2023 North District Treasurer, the 2023-2024 North District Vice President, and the 2024-2025 State Treasurer. I was also part of the state winning Livestock team in 2023 and placed bronze at nationals. That same year, I won state for my Diversified Livestock Proficiency and placed in the bronze category at nationals. In 2024 I won the state Discussion Meet contest and placed first for my Ag Communications Proficiency. This year I was also selected to be a Reporter for FFA in the USA.


Favorite Book:

My favorite book is Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, I love historical fiction and any type of mystery with a plot twist.


Favorite Movie:

My favorite movie is 8 Seconds, which tells the story of Lane Frost.


Favorite Meal: 

My favorite meal is steak and mac and cheese, and it’s always what my family makes for my birthday.


Favorite Quote: 

My favorite quote is Luke 12:27, “Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these”.


Favorite Song: 

My favorite song is East Side of Sorrow, by Zach Bryan.


Favorite thing about FFA:

My favorite thing about FFA is the community. I have met some of my best friends through FFA and have been a part of officer teams that felt like a family. FFA has a culture and community like nowhere else.


Favorite FFA Memory:

My favorite FFA memory was my first District Eliminations as a district officer. We had spent all day rehearsing and setting everything up and then we went out to eat and just talked about everything we had done that year. That officer team was like a family and I probably laughed more with them than I ever have. It was just amazing to see all our hard work come together and see everything we had accomplished.


College Plans:

After high school I plan to attend either Auburn or Arkansas and pursue a double major in Ag Communications and Agribusiness.