Lincoln Stops The Bleed

CJ Thompson
September 29, 2023
Celebrating 10 Years
July 2, 2024
CJ Thompson
September 29, 2023
Celebrating 10 Years
July 2, 2024

Safety is one thing that the Lincoln FFA Chapter takes very seriously so when we received the Fall Semester Long Living to Serve Grant we automatically knew what to do. This Grant gives FFA Chapters across the nation $1,200 to put towards their service projects addressing community problems or any other issue they choose to help solve. When we received this grant last year, we developed the thought that in the case of a severe emergency, the First Responders might not be able to make it in time to help. After thinking long and hard about this we came upon the idea of the Stop The Bleed Kits. These kits are designed to help aid someone in the event that they are bleeding out and might not be able to get help right away. We then brought up our issue with not having these kits up with our Ag Teacher, Mrs. Amy Stephens, she also realized the need for them in our schools. We then started to gather all of the supplies to be able to give each kit enough materials to be able to be used during an emergency. After gathering all of the supplies our chapter as a whole started to put them together which in the end allowed us to make 12 to split between all three Lincoln Schools. After seeing how many kits we were able to make we realized that we would need way more which led us to make the goal of being able to make enough kits for every classroom.

After creating the kits, we quickly realized that each of the teachers and students would need to know how to correctly use these kits in the event of an emergency. After thinking about how to relay all of the information about how to use the kits we decided to make an informational video describing and demonstrating how to use them correctly and efficiently. This year we were granted the Living to Serve Grant again and decided that we were going to continue to make more of the kits to get one step closer to our goal of having each classroom having one kit each. This year with the help of this grant we were able to make 15 more, increasing our count to 27, split between all three schools. Even though our goal hasnt been met, making these kits has allowed for more than just knowledge on what the kits are used for but has also made an impact on our students and members and how they believe that they feel safer and have a sense of relief knowing that these kits are in the schools if something were to happen.

Lucas Gooden
Lincoln FFA Leadership Team