
Jessa-Lynn Adkins
September 5, 2024
Mackenzie Smith
September 5, 2024
Jessa-Lynn Adkins
September 5, 2024
Mackenzie Smith
September 5, 2024

Supervised Agricultural Experience: 

I have two SAEs consisting of an entrepreneurship and a placement Supervised Agricultural Experience. I stay active in my entrepreneurship SAE through my photography business that allows me to tell the agriculture story though pictures at pig shows and school chapter events. My second SAE is an Agricultural Education experience I gained through teaching a 7th grade class through my high school.


Career Development/Leadership/Talent Events:

Throughout my six years in FFA, I have been able to compete in land judging, livestock judging, creed speaking, prepared public, conduct of chapter meetings, horse judging, and quiz bowl.


Major FFA Accomplishments:

My most major FFA accomplishment would have to be the chance to serve my state as the Secretary for this upcoming year! It is truly a blessing and an honor and I am SOOO hyped to get started! Another accomplishment I have been blessed with was to serve my district as the past secretary as well as serve my chapter and home town as the past president.


Favorite Book:

It’s hard to pick just one book! Reading is by far my favorite pastime activity and any book is worth reading. One of my all time favorites that I still find joy in reading would have to be The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton.


Favorite Movie:

My list of favorite movies is about a mile long. I Love classics like Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. I also love The Sandlot and Toy Story. However, if i had to only pick one it would probably be Tangled. I mean who couldn’t love the lantern scene? I’m also a big fan of series such as Friends and Gilmore Girls.


Favorite Meal: 

Ohh by far ribs! While they are extremely messy, I will choose to eat ribs, mac n cheese, and a baked potato any day!


Favorite Quote: 

“In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul” Psalms 94:19


Favorite Song: 

My favorite song really changes every week! I enjoy listening to Zack Bryan, Turnpike Troubadours, Treaty Oak Revival, Noah Kahan, and Tyler Childers. My favorite song to blast in the car with the windows down is most definitely either Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfiled or You Never Even Called Me By My Name by David Allen Cowboy


Favorite thing about FFA:

The thing that sets FFA apart the most to me is the time honored traditions. All FFA members since 1933 have worn a corduroy jacket. To wear your jacket is to be a part of a legacy and family. You walk into any FFA event and everyone there already shares a passion and appreciation like you do. You’re a part of almost a century’s worth of honorable history and you’re taking part in something bigger than yourself. I realized that through this organization there is nothing but growth to be achieved and it’s due to the thanks of hard work from people who know and appreciate the joys and discomforts of agricultural life. And to me that brings a sense of pride to wear my jacket, making it my favorite thing about this organization


Favorite FFA Memory:

My favorite FFA memory would most definitely have to be hearing my name called as the State Secretary at the 96th Alabama FFA State Convention. Standing on the sides with nothing but anticipation and worry, only to hear Jayden Mcmillian call my name out. That moment is one that plays over and over in my head. It was a moment of realization that all my hard work had paid off and that it was time for me to step up and take on this role the Lord has blessed me with. Hearing my name be called as an officer had been a dream of mine since I was given my chapter jacket in 2018, and having my biggest dream become a reality is by far my favorite FFA memory


College Plans:

My plan once I graduate is to attend Auburn University that fall and get a degree in Agriculture Communications. My plans for a career is still undecided, but I know the path the Lord has for me is greater than one I can set for myself.