Jessa Ursery

Where Will The Blue Jacket Take You?
July 2, 2024
Jessa-Lynn Adkins
September 5, 2024
Where Will The Blue Jacket Take You?
July 2, 2024
Jessa-Lynn Adkins
September 5, 2024

Supervised Agricultural Experience: 

I have three supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs): agricultural education, agricultural communications, and poultry production. I started my first two SAEs in seventh grade, beginning with poultry production. I work on my family’s commercial poultry operation, where we grow birds for Tyson Foods. I assist in preparing our houses for flocks, managing chicken mortality, and routine maintenance. In my agricultural education SAE, I began by assisting my AG teacher with her classes. It then expanded to me developing workshops, teaching lessons, coaching our LDE competitors, and helping at a welding camp for girls at Calhoun Community College. Finally, in my sophomore year, I started my agricultural communications SAE. I produce a podcast called “A Day in Agriculture,” where I interview agriculturists about their careers to educate the public about the diversity of the agricultural industry. Overall, my SAEs have shaped me into who I am today. They’ve allowed me to make new connections, learn the value of hard work, and become an effective communicator!
Career Development/Leadership/Talent Events:

Throughout my five years as an FFA member, I’ve competed in multiple CDEs and LDEs. I first began with the Land Judging CDE and have been a member of my chapter’s team since seventh grade. This past year, I also competed in the Forestry CDE. In seventh and eighth grade, I competed in the Creed Speaking LDE. Since then, I’ve competed in the Extemporaneous Public Speaking Contest for three years.


Major FFA Accomplishments:

My accomplishments include serving the Elkmont FFA Chapter as an officer for three years, serving the North District as president for two years, and now being able to serve as the Alabama FFA President!


Favorite Book:

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read! It’s hard to pick a favorite book, but my favorite authors are Jane Austen and George Orwell.


Favorite Movie:

My favorite movie is Saving Private Ryan. I find World War II history really interesting, and this movie has such a meaningful story!


Favorite Meal: 

My favorite meal is my mom’s famous meatloaf with okra, corn, tomatoes, mashed potatoes, and a sweet tea to drink!


Favorite Quote: 

“For human beings, it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.” Mark 10:27


Favorite Song: 

I don’t have just one favorite song, but anything by the Beatles is good!


Favorite thing about FFA:

It’s hard to pick one favorite thing about FFA, but I have to say it’s the people. I’ve met so many friends and mentors through our organization—not just in my district but across the state and our nation! When somebody says that FFA is like a family, it really is true!


Favorite FFA Memory:

My favorite FFA memory is my first trip to national convention. I had the opportunity to go with my chapter in eighth grade; we rode a charter bus up to Fair Oaks Farms and back down to Indianapolis. Once there, I truly saw the scale of our organization; walking in, I saw hundreds of students from across the country, and we all had one thing in common: the National FFA Organization. I had the best time on this trip, and it inspired me to further grow in my FFA journey.


College Plans:

After graduating high school, I plan to attend Auburn University in the fall of 2025 to pursue a degree in both agricultural communications and international studies.