Jessa-Lynn Adkins

Jessa Ursery
September 5, 2024
September 5, 2024
Jessa Ursery
September 5, 2024
September 5, 2024

Supervised Agricultural Experience: 

My projects that are no longer active include Beef Cattle Entrepreneurship and Equine Placement SAEs. My most current and active SAE is one that involves a Agriculture Communications non-profit for Farmer’s/Labor Workers mental health. I started my FFA journey with raising and showing beef cattle that we either bred on the farm or bought from another trusted breeder. While operating the farm at home, I was also working as a ranch hand on a cutting horse facility where I fed and water about 30 horses and cleaned 18 stalls daily. After selling the farm and moving, I found passion for raising awareness for Famers/Labor workers mental health and the increasing suicide rates. I have started to build a non-profit website for Farmers and others to connect with each other and share positive content, as well as provide resources for those struggling.


Career Development/Leadership/Talent Events:

I have competed in a multitude of events since the 8th grade. I started by competing in Quiz Bowl and made it to the semi final round at State. That same year I competed in Creed Speaking and got Bronze on the National Level, as well as Livestock judging and placing third in State with my team. Since then I have competed in both prepared and extemporaneous public speaking, placing at district level, while also competing in Livestock Judging.


Major FFA Accomplishments:

My greatest FFA accomplishments include serving as a National Delegate, serving as the South District Secretary and President, earning my State Degree, and now serving as the State Vice-President.


Favorite Book:

My favorite book has to be “A Corner of The Universe”. I fell in love with the emotion in the book and how amazing it shows the turmoils of growing up.


Favorite Movie:

It is so hard to choose a favorite movie but a go-to of mine has to be any Harry Potter (except for the last two), or The Sound of Music.


Favorite Meal: 

My favorite meal is definitely anything that involves mashed potatoes and gravy, especially with an ice cold Coca-cola to drink!


Favorite Quote: 

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” – Proverbs 31:25.


Favorite Song: 

My favorite song is “Can’t Help Falling In Love” – Elvis Presley


Favorite thing about FFA:

There are so many great things about FFA, but my favorite one has to be the Community. Everyone is so connected in FFA, and it personally feels like a second family. Every team and group that I have worked with have shown me immense support and everyone kind of has an understanding of each other because we are all in the Organization for the same reason; because we love agriculture.


Favorite FFA Memory:

So many memories to choose from, but my favorite is definitely the first time I put on an FFA jacket. I still remember in my first chapter when it was “new jacket day” and all of the jackets had just come out of the box and I got to put mine on with those pretty gold letters stating “Jessa-Lynn Adkins”. It felt like an extra layer of confidence and it truly was one of my most special moments.


College Plans:

I plan to finish my welding associates degree through Coastal Alabama and then hopefully transfer into Auburn University to study Agriculture Communications.