State FFA Officer Interviews

Virtual State and District CDE’s
May 29, 2020
Base Camp
June 18, 2020
Virtual State and District CDE’s
May 29, 2020
Base Camp
June 18, 2020
June 8, 2020 – June 9, 2020 all-day
Hampton Inn and Suites
3000 Capps Way
Al 36804
Jerad Dyess



 Dates – June 8-9, 2020

Location – Hampton Inn and Suites- Opelika

  1. Nominating Committee

The nominating committee will be made up of 3 FFA advisory council members or advisors, 3 active FFA members (at least one from each district), and three Past State Officers (at least one from each district) and will be selected from chapters that do not have a state officer candidate.  An advisory council member or advisor will serve as chair of the committee but will not vote in the selection process.

  1. Written Exam

The written exam will consist of 100 questions.  The questions may be multiple choice, true-false, or essay type.  The written test will count 200 points.

  1. Written Exercise

The written exercise will consist of a handwritten essay or letter on a relevant topic related to the duties of a State FFA Officer. This will count for 100 points.

  1. The officer application will be graded, and it will count 100 points. (The same as an interview.)
  2. Interviews conducted by the committee will be as follows:

Interview I: “Personal Interviews”

(One-on-One) 5 minutes per candidate.  The nominating committee will include an evaluation of the candidate’s SAE knowledge and experience.  Each candidate will be interviewed by each member of the nominating committee. (9 interviews x 5 minutes each= roughly 45 minutes)

Interview II: “FFA and Parliamentary Procedure”

10 minutes per candidate.

Interview III: “Candidate Group Discussion and Interaction”

10 minutes per group. 30 Minute prep, 3 groups

Interview IV: “Agricultural Issues”

10 minutes per candidate.

Interview V: “Committee’s Choice”

At the end of interview IV, committee members may feel that some of the proceeding topics should be covered again but from a different angle, using different situations or questions, or they may have a new topic, they may ask different questions, or invite the candidates to talk about themselves.

Each interview will count 100 points and each candidate can accumulate up to 900 points (200 for written test, 500 for interviews, 100 for written exercise and 100 for officer application).

  1. References to be used in preparing candidates are as follows:
  2. Official FFA Manual
  3. Student Handbook
  4. FFA New Horizons (Past Year-Since Last June)
  5. Robert’s Rules of Order
  6. FFA Advisors – Making A Difference (Past Year-Since Last June)
  7. Current Agricultural Issues (News Papers, Magazines, etc.)
  8. Introduction To World AgriScience And Technology, 2nd Edition, Interstate Printers, Inc.
  9. Alabama FFA Contests and Awards Booklet, as well as all Alabama CDE Booklets
  10. Web sites:,,,





Monday, June 8, 2019
9:00 AM Nominating Committee Meets
9:30 AM Candidates Check In: given overview of process and instructions
9:45 AM Current State Officers give Welcome
10:00 AM Candidates Take Written Exam and Written Exercise

11:30 AM


Lunch on your own


12:30 PM


Interview I:  Personal Interviews

1:30 PM Interview II:  FFA and Parliamentary Procedure
3:15 PM Interview III:  Group
6:00 PM Group Dinner

Thursday, June 9, 2019

8:00 AM Interview IV:  Agricultural Issues
9:45 AM Interview V:  Committee’s Choice
11:30 AM Lunch on your own
(Candidates available for further interviews if needed)
Nominating Committee Work Complete
  Committee Discussion and Tabulations
  Nominating Committee Prepares a Slate of Officers
  Six State Officers will be announced