AJCA Public Speaking, Career Development, and Quiz bowl Competitions

AAAE Mid -Winter Meeting
January 5, 2022
FFA Day on the Hill
January 10, 2022
AAAE Mid -Winter Meeting
January 5, 2022
FFA Day on the Hill
January 10, 2022
March 5, 2022 all-day

We are excited to announce that the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association(AJCA) will be hosting junior career centered contests at the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA) Convention and Trade Show! Join the AJCA Board of Directors, Saturday March 5th in Mobile for public speaking, career development, and quiz bowl competitions. Please see attached rule book for questions concerning contests. We welcome the youth of Alabama to compete and interact with cattlemen across the state!


All contests will be sponsored by Beef Checkoff and free for youth to enter. Each contest holds great scholarships opportunities for our youth! Contests will take place on March 5th at the Alabama Cattlemen’s Convention held in Birmingham, Alabama.


To register for contests please click the link below for junior cattlemen. If you or your parent wish to attend any of the ACA Convention & Trade Show please click the second link to register for convention events.

Register for Contest HERE: https://cvent.me/287OP0

Register for ACA Convention & Trade Show HERE: https://cvent.me/xw9953


Youth Convention Contest Rule Book 2022