AAAE Mid -Winter Meeting

CTE Day on the Hill
January 5, 2022
AJCA Public Speaking, Career Development, and Quiz bowl Competitions
January 7, 2022
CTE Day on the Hill
January 5, 2022
AJCA Public Speaking, Career Development, and Quiz bowl Competitions
January 7, 2022
February 17, 2022 all-day

Happy New Year Alabama Agricultural Educators,


The Alabama Association of Agricultural Educators(AAAE) will be hosting a 2022 Mid-Winter Conference on February 17, 2022 from 9:00a.m. – 3:00p.m. at Auburn Universities Student Activity Center.  All Alabama Agricultural Educators are invited to attend this conference as we will be receiving updates from ALSDE State Staff, District Improvement Specialist, Alabama FFA Alumni and AAAE.  Attached is an invitation letter which includes the registration link to attend this conference.  The registration is only to determine a head count for attendance and meal counts.  We look forward to your attendance and hope to see you in Auburn on February 17, 2022.


Mid-Winter Conference Registration Link:

2022 AAAE Mid-Winter Conference