Lincoln Stops The Bleed
January 17, 2024
Where Will The Blue Jacket Take You?
July 2, 2024Celebrating 10 Years
By: Lucas Gooden
Every year, there is one day that hundreds of elementary schoolers eagerly anticipate: Farm Day! For the past ten years, the Lincoln High School FFA has been hosting this extraordinary event, turning it into a beloved tradition in our community. Farm Day was first created by our inspiring agriculture teacher, Amy Stephens, when she joined Lincoln High School ten years ago. Her vision was to create a day dedicated to advocating for agriculture and planting the seeds of knowledge in the minds of local elementary school students.
Over the years, Farm Day has evolved into much more than an educational experience; it has become a celebration of community, learning, and leadership. Farm Day has also become a day that strengthens the bond between our community and the school system. As FFA members, we eagerly anticipate planning this event, inviting every community member to come and help out. This year, we welcomed over 500 students to Farm Day, a milestone that filled us with excitement and motivation to make the day very special. With the amazing guidance of our ag teacher, Amy Stephens, we successfully reached out to local farmers, the NRCS, and many other community members who generously offered their time and expertise. T
he involvement of these community members not only enriches the experience for the students but also helps to create a sense of unity and collaboration within our community. Throughout the day, children are immersed in a world of wonders they may have never encountered before. From encountering various livestock animals to exploring the vibrant array of plants in our garden, Farm Day offers an unparalleled experience. For many, this day provides a rare opportunity to engage with elements they wouldn’t typically encounter at home or during regular class time. The magic of Farm Day extends way beyond the students; even teachers find themselves captivated by the novelty of the experience. It’s not uncommon to hear teachers express amazement at seeing certain animals up close for the first time or discovering new insights into agricultural topics.
This aspect really captures the essence of Farm Day—it’s not just about fun or farming; it’s about advocating for agriculture and teaching these valuable lessons to both students and educators alike. Everyone who attends Farm Day always leaves with unforgettable memories. This sentiment resonates with everyone involved, especially those who have been part of Farm Day since its creation. Many still fondly recall their experiences from the very first Farm Day.
I vividly remember attending the very first Farm Day back in 2014. One of my most cherished memories is “milking a cow,” which, in reality, was a fake milking cow. But to five-year-old me, it felt like the real thing and no one could convince me otherwise. These are the kinds of memories we, as FFA members, strive to create. We understand how special Farm Day was for us, and we hope to create equally lasting memories for the children attending today.