Once A Part Of FFA, Always A Part Of FFA
Join, start, or get involved with an Alabama FFA alumni chapter in your area.

Start An Alumni Chapter
The Alabama FFA Association encourages all local chapters to establish a FFA Alumni Chapter in their community. FFA Alumni members do not have to have been former members. There are a variety of ways in which a local FFA Chapter could benefit from having a FFA Alumni affiliate: click here for more information.
For more information about starting an Alumni Chapter in Alabama, contact:
Dr. Barry Bailey
Director-Alabama FFA Alumni
256-523-1468 or bbailey@alabamaffa.org
245 County Road 53, Cedar Bluff, AL 25959
Awards & Shirts
Alabama FFA Alumni shirts may be purchased by contacting Dr. Barry Bailey
Awards aren't just for members! Apply for one of our alumni awards today!